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Jungles of Vietnam  author1984 1life basic drugs eamonengine interactivefiction permadeath wordinput [The following text is copyrighted by Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online and presented here word-for-word thanks to their generous terms]
#59 - Jungles of Vietnam by Jeff Allen

Reviewed by Bob Davis (NEUC March 1985)
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
Difficulty Rating: 1
Extra Commands: Enter, Exit, Inject, Drink, Help, Quit
Playing Time: 2 hours

With no mission previously defined, I started in a U.S. army barracks in Vietnam. Venturing out into the jungles and villages of Vietnam, I found many peasants (Peasant 1, Peasant2, etc.) and "Gooks" (Gook1, Gook2, etc.). The monster names and descriptions were of such a monotone flavor that I became bored and just started killing everybody, whether they were friend or not. This wasn’t too difficult to accomplish since I had a rocket launcher with a seemingly endless supply of rockets. No monster (including tanks and planes) withstood one attack from me. Realistic, maybe. Fun, no.

The mission, I later realized, was to get out of the army. I was not pleased with the way I had to do this. I believe an alternative method should have been provided; especially since the character I used does not condone the use of perception altering substances (drugs). Perhaps Mr. Allen was making a social comment with his adventure – but looking through his other adventures (The Sewers of Chicago, Master’s Dungeon and Lost Adventure) I rather doubt it.

In summary, this is a great text adventure for people who don’t like to read, like the adventure to do their thinking for them and are entranced with killing things in one blow.

Personally, I would not recommend this adventure to anyone, especially children.
Space II Edu-Ware Services1979 drugs future religion labelimageminimize